Why Is Fashion Important?

Fashion has been with us for as long as people lived in societies. It has become part of our culture. For example, fashion also includes the use of hijabs, turbans and other accessories that express the way we live life.

Nowadays, we take fashion for granted. This is probably because what’s “in” today could be outdated by tomorrow. In other words, fashion has become so fleeting it now boils down to what’s trend on social media.
Despite fashion being disposable, it is still an important part of our lives. Here are some reasons why fashion is very important to us as a people.


Fashion is a way of self-expression. For example, if you go to popular online fashion retailers like Culture Of Life, you will see that one of the most popular items is the Leopard Clover Graphic Tee. It’s a simple shirt with a large green clover printed in front. As we all know, clovers are symbols of luck and wearing one can hopefully attract Lady Luck for the day.

Another popular design is animal print. As you can see on the website, leopard printed skirts and jackets can be bought at reasonable prices. Leopard print has long been popular because it has links to our past when we all used to wear animal print to keep warm and protect us from the elements. Animal print also show other people our “daring” or “wild” side that we keep hidden most of the time.

Personal Style

Fashion is also a great way to distinguish ourselves from other people. There are people who prefer to wear earth tone or neutral colors while others prefer vivid prints with graphic designs. This is all down to our personal style. We want to stand out from the rest and fashion is a good way to tell other people that we are different from the person next to us on the bus.


While fashion is a great way to say that you’re different, fashion is also a great way to celebrate our togetherness. Human have long been social people and enjoy being with one another. Col1972.com for example is a fashion retailer that supports charitable institutions. They donate a portion of their profits to organizations that make life easier for others. COL1972 Foundation helps moms who have problems providing food, diapers and clothing for their kids and patronizing Col1972.com by buying fashionable tops or skirts can help them help other people.

Wrap Up

Aside from clothing, Col1972.com also sells jewelry and accessories like bags, sunglasses and phone cases. Updating your wardrobe and staying in fashion is a great way not only to show your individual personality but also to express yourself and help other people in need.

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